Mary Poppins
The story starts at the banks' houshold. After a string of nanny's unable to control the two children Jane and Michael, Mr. Banks places an advert in the Times for a replacement. The children have other ideas and pen there own letter which is torn up and thrown on the fire. The pieces magicaly join back together and float up the chimney high above the London clouds to Mary Poppins who is sitting on a cloud.
As she decends down floating on her umberella the que of nannys already assembled outside the banks' house in Cherry Tree Lane are blown away leaving her as the only candidate.
Being the only applicant, she takes the job and first starts to work her magic in the childrens bedroom by teaching them to clean up by the click of a finger.
One day Mary and the children are walking to the park when they met Burt drawing chalk pictures on the pavement,one scene was of a beautiful landscape showing a meadow "Go on Mary Poppins" urges Burt "theres no one looking" And the four of them hold hands and jumpe into the picture.
From here the amazing story unfolds which has delighted audiences (both young and old) for nearly four decades.
Click here to see the trailer for the film